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The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America

The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America

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Many Catholics blame Vatican II for the woes of the Catholic Church in America. Traditionalists claim that changes in the Mass brought on the decline while liberals say it was caused by failure of the Church to bring its theology in step with the times.

In this ground-breaking study, (published 2013) David Carlin challenged both views. The roots of the crisis in America are not theological, he says; they are cultural. Forty years ago the Church in America unwittingly sailed into a perfect storm spawned by the unprecedented confluence of three powerful social forces.

Carlin shows that it has taken more than bad priests, weak bishops, and liturgical abuses to cripple this once formidable institution; it will take more than good priests, strong bishops, and a reverent liturgy to save it. Fundamental changes must be made. Unfortunately, Carlin's diagnosis leaves little reason to hope the American Church can make those changes soon enough to save itself.

The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America takes you past the lurid headlines to reveal the fundamental reasons for the collapse of Catholicism in America. It is essential reading for anyone who hopes to rebuild the Church.

"Among books that attempt to analyse and prescribe for the crisis in American Catholicism, David Carlin's stands out for its uncompromising religious orthodoxy and its hard-headed sociological realism. He explains accurately how we got into this mess and what will have to be done  - supposing it can be done this late in the game  - to get out of it."

Carlin, David


Sophia Institute Press

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Sophia Institute Press

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ISBN/Code: 1928832792

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