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Single for a Greater Purpose: A Hidden Joy in the Catholic Church

Single for a Greater Purpose: A Hidden Joy in the Catholic Church

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Sophia Press, pb. 208pp

"An important and quite beautiful exploration of an under-appreciated state of life, written by one who has lived the single vocation with grace and courage, to the benefit of both Church and society."
George Weigel

In these fascinating pages, author Luanne Zurlo shows that, contrary to popular opinion, single life is often a holy, joyful vocation lived out, sometimes in a hidden way, by souls who have had an authentic encounter with Christ.

Here she sheds light on this little-understood vocation discerned and embraced by a growing number of single persons who neither marry nor enter religious life.

These souls are joyfully single for a greater purpose, nourishing both the world and the Church with the unique spiritual strengths and graces that God gives to souls who deliberately remain single for Him in the world but not of it.

Read these pages to learn:

  • Why dedicated single life is uniquely suited to our times
  • How it builds on our baptismal vocations
  • The special role that dedicated singles have in the Church
  • How the dedicated-single vocation complements marriage and religious life
  • How celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom yields a fruitful spousal relationship with Christ
  • How dedicated singles can follow the evangelical counsels of obedience and poverty without the structured life of a religious community
  • The vows that singles can take to dedicate themselves to such service of God within the world

    In the face of mounting difficulties within our world and our Church, God is now calling for an army of dedicated singles laymen for the Kingdom of God nourished from within and empowered by an authentic, personal encounter with Him alone.

Zurlo, Louanne


Sophia Institute Press

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Sophia Institute Press

Bookshelf: 8F

ISBN/Code: 9781622826568

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