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Hope For Hard Times

Hope For Hard Times

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Life is hard. And there are all sorts of pitfalls along the way.

Nowhere do we find a more overwhelming chronicle of hard times than in the Bible itself. The Old Testament is a long record of the disappointments and the distasters that came upon the people of Israel.

And therein lies the real story...

Within every Scripture story of God's discipline, we find God's unceasing redemption. Within every story of man's stubbornness or selfishness that leads to strife, we find God's loving grace leading us back to safety.

God doesn't just take pity on us; he empowers us. But only when we cease to rely on our own strength can we discover that God's strength is always there for us. Theologian and TV host Scott Hahn shows us how we can use the Bible to deal with hard times, to get over hard times, and yes, even to rejoice in hard times.

Hahn, Scott


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ISBN/Code: 9781592767106

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