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Blue Collar Apologetics: How To Explain and Defend Catholic Teaching Using Common Sense, Simple Logic, and the Bible

Blue Collar Apologetics: How To Explain and Defend Catholic Teaching Using Common Sense, Simple Logic, and the Bible

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Most of us know what we believe as Catholics, but often we’re unclear on why we believe it. At a time when vast numbers of Catholics are slipping away from the Faith, God has tasked you and countless other Catholics with understanding it so you will be prepared to defend it.

With an easy-going and inviting style, EWTN’s John Martignoni doesn’t simply introduce you to the major doctrines of the Catholic Faith; he explains why they are true and shows you how to explain them effectively to Protestants and “cafeteria Catholics” alike in ways that will draw them into those truths.

Far from a complex survey of obscure theological points, this lively book employs clear, simple language that not only demonstrates the fundamental fact that the Bible is a Catholic book, but also teaches Catholics how to “talk Bible” to non-Catholics. When you are done with this book, you will know the biblical basis for the Church’s teachings on the sacraments, Purgatory, Mary, the papacy, and why salvation requires faith and works. You’ll also be versed in the strategies for effectively challenging others to examine their beliefs in light of the overwhelming scriptural evidence for Catholicism.

Blue Collar Apologetics will also teach you:

· How to go on the offensive without being offensive

· The rules of engagement for discussing the faith with others

· Four techniques that will allow you to talk to anyone about your faith

· An easy tactic anyone can use for engaging non-Catholics

· How to explain the Marian dogmas using the Bible and common sense

· The two key “pillars of Protestantism”—and how to respond to each

· How to counter the ingrained Protestant maxim “Once saved, always saved”

· The basics of Eastern Orthodoxy, which every Catholic needs to master

· Effective, common sense tactics for defending the Faith against atheist attacks

Martignoni, John


Sophia Institute Press

Related Collections:
Sophia Institute Press

Bookshelf: 5C

ISBN/Code: 9781682781135

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